Monthly Archives: August 2019

Radio Gaga

So a couple of weeks ago we got a phone call out of the blue from BBC Radio Northampton. They needed an ‘expert’ to talk about the new Bluetooth Cassette Tape players which have just been launched after crowdfunding.

Research done and notes made I was ready for my big interview…….then with an hour to go before the broadcast I was pulled for another guest, but they did reschedule for the next day. Cue an evening and morning of nerves and impromptu dieting as I couldn’t eat anything.

Eventually the researcher phoned back and said we were a go. Had a lovely chat with the DJ about these new cassette players and he was great at giving the business a plug – more than I was! Fortunately he were also interested in what we are doing; rescuing all these beautiful old radios, speakers & telephones from landfill and converting them for use today.

So it all went swimmingly and luckily they didn’t ask too many difficult questions. If you would like to have listen to the interview follow the link below: